IBM Lotus Notes Client Domino Designer and Admin v8.0英文正式版(IBM 用戶端設計平臺)
IBM Lotus Notes Client Domino Designer and Admin v8.0英文正式版
Domino Designer 是一種應用程式開發軟體,應用程式開發人員和Web 站點設計人員通過它可以
創建安全的、能夠通過 Lotus Notes 或 Web 流覽器訪問的協作應用程式。開發人員很容易使用
表單、視圖、網頁、框架集、集成的即時消息、XML、Java、JavaScript 等來創建核心業務解決
::::::English Description::::::
IBMR LotusR NotesR and DominoR provide a high productivity application development environment
that supports the rapid creation, modification and deployment of security-rich business
applications. Domino applications can be accessed using numerous methods, including Web
service consumers, Lotus Notes and Web browsers. Lotus Domino Designer 8 includes multiple
new features and functions that enable developers to provide more value through Lotus
Notes and Domino applications and support services oriented architecture.
Lotus Domino Designer 8
Web Service additions and improvements
Web service consumer support allows developers to reuse functions from other IT systems and
even from publicly available Web services.
Develop Composite Applications for Lotus Notes 8
Mix-and-match multiple systems and applications into a unified user interface.
Domino DB2 integration
More easily make use of relational data with DAV and Query view design elements.
Additional new features
Create interfaces that enable participation in event/action relationships within composite
applications, exert more granular control of HTML, and much more.